- Select Market Reports located in the top center of Matrix. See below Image for easy reference.
- See section Firm in the On Demand Reports menu and click Firm Production and Inventory.
- The report by default is set to check Production and Inventory effective the beginning of the year however the Start Date can be changed.
- Please note that the Start Date refers to when the listing was added into the MLS and not when the property was updated to Closed Sale or Rented. Click Generate Report when you have s
- elected your dates.
- First section in the report is the Production Section which displays a total count of Total Sold, Listed Sold, Listed Coop Sold and Coop Listed Sold.
- Total Sold/Entire MLS will display all closings that that have occurred in the MLS system.
- Listed | Sold will display all of your Firm's Listed and Sold in a total count. Including a List Volume and Sold Volume (List and Sold Volume includes all listings for your firm). System will create an Average List Price based on all listings your firm is reflecting as the Primary Listing Office. Average Sold Price will reflect an average if your Firm is the primary listing office.
- SP% LP (Sale Price and List Price) is the percentage of how close the property sold (sale price) compared to the average list price for the entire Firm. If the average sale price is greater than the average list price the percentage will be greater than 100%.
- Listed | Coop Sold If your firm represented the buyer and will display the same metrics referenced above.
- Coop Listed | Sold Will display if your Firm was the Co-Listing Agent) and CoSold (If you were the co-selling agent) in the same section.